Bomb your stress away

This week has passed among the most essentials. Even though it felt at times like -everything- was left undone. You see, I have spent the week at home taking care of my daughter who was feeling a little bit sick. Very effective pull back to basics. Good move, life.

Now that the girl has gotten better, it is time for this mother to hurry back to work and take care of "everything" left undone. No, wait a minute – first it´s time for this mother to pamper herself, for a chance. Because no good will be done with a tense mind. And at this moment I don’t know a better way to relax than a hot bath. Especially when accompanied by some charmers, such as these homemade bath bombs.

BOOM – a fizzy lavender scented fella in the same tube bombs your stress away in no time.

Lavender bath bomb

  • 150 g baking soda (sodium carbonate)
  • 70 g citric acid powder
  • 25 g corn flour or potato flour
  • 1 tablespoon dried lavender flowers
  • 15 drops lavender essential oil
  • 1 tbls melted coconut oil to
  • lil bit water

Measure baking soda, citric acid and corn flour or potato flour into a bowl and stir. Add dried lavender flowers. Add essential oil and melt coconut oil, and squeeze the dough with your fingers. Add water one teaspoon at a time, and squeeze the dough with your fingers at the same time. Add water until the mixture resembles damp sand, and it retains its shape when you squeeze it in your hand. Press mixture firmly into molds as soon as possible. Allow to dry at room temperature overnight. Remove from molds.

To use, drop one or two bath bombs in a bath with warm running water.


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