Cashew Cream Frosting

Slow morning & several slices of Comfy Apple Pie w/ Cashew Cream. Wanted to share the recipe for this creamy vegan frosting that I lovelovelove to use on top of my pastries.

Vanelja’s Cashew Cream Frosting:

2 cups cashew nuts, soaked for 1 hour
3-5 tbsp coconut milk or other vegan milk
½ tsp vanilla powder
¼ cup maple syrup or raw organic honey
1 tsp Ceylon cinnamon
3 tbsp lemon juice

Rinse the cashew nuts you have soaked and place the nuts into a blender. Add coconut milk, vanilla, syrup, cinnamon and lemon juice. Blend until smooth mixture with no crumbs. Add a little bit more liquid to get it as smooth as possible, but keep the mixture thick like cream cheese. Taste and add more sweetness with some of the spices, if needed. Use as a spread. Store in the fridge.

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