Cinnamon Roasted Peaches

This roasted peaches recipe brings luxury for example to your morning porridge. Easy to make, but super tasty!

Cinnamon Roasted Peaches

4-5 fresh peaches, pitted & sliced
2-3 tbsp organic butter or coconut oil, melted
2 tbsp erythritol (or coconut sugar)
1 tsp Ceylon cinnamon
1/2 tsp cardamom

Preheat the oven to 200 C / 400 F degrees. Place the sliced peaches on a covered baking tray. Drizzle on the butter/oil and the spices. Bake for 20-25 mins until soft and juicy. Serve for example with porridge. (Here served with oatmeal, almond butter & hemp seeds.)

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