Dairy-free Banana Coconut Yogurt

Try this easy and nourishing home-made & plant-based yogurt with a tropical kick. It' simple to prepare and it has only with three ingredients.


  • 1 ¾ cups cashew nuts
  • 1 ¾ cups coconut milk
  • 2 probiotic capsules
  • ½ tsp vanilla powder or seeds from vanilla bean
  • 1-2 bananas


Soak the nuts for a couple of hours, or use without soaking. Blend nuts, banana and coconut milk in a blender at full speed until the mixture is smooth. Pour the mixture into a glass jar. Open probiotic capsules and pour the powder into the jar, mix. Cover the jar, for example, with folded gauze/fabric and secure the mouth of the jar with a rubber band. Leave the mixture at room temperature for 6 to 12 hours. The longer you ferment it, the stronger the taste. Add vanilla and cool the yogurt in a refrigerator. Store in a resealable jar in the refrigerator and consume within one week.

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