Midsummer Floral Kombucha Popsicles

Oh the freshness! These cuties make such banging summer party treats. And all dressed up for the Midsummer wearing petals of big pansies and mint leaves.

Midsummer Floral Kombucha Popsicles

Full Bloom floral kombucha
fresh mint
edible flowers, like violets

optional: local organic honey

Fill about 4:5 of the popsicles molds with Full Bloom floral kombucha. Cut strawberries in slices and put several slices into each mold. Add edible flowers and mint leaves inside the molds placing them on the sides where they show. You can also leave some petals to the prim so that they create a sort of a skirt. Stick in the popsicle stick. If you’re using honey, scoop about 1 tsp honey onto the stick before inserting it. Freeze for 4 hours or overnight, until fully solid. Enjoy!

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