Vanilla Nice Cream & Chocolate Chia Pudding

Two "basic" things combined into a tasty dessert bowl. Literally all that makes me happy!

Vanilla Nice Cream & Chocolate Chia Pudding

Nice Cream:
2 frozen bananas
a dash of vanilla powder
2 tbsp oat milk

Place the ingredients into a blender and blend until soft serve.

Chia Pudding:
1 cups oat milk
3 fresh pitted dates
2 tbsp raw cocoa powder

Place the ingredients into a blender. Pour the mix into a jar and stir in 1/4 cup chia seeds. Leaving to thicken for 10 mins, stir and put into a fridge for 1 hour or more.

Fill half of a bowl with vanilla nice cream and the other half with chocolate chia pudding. Top with your favorite topping, for example banana slices, coconut shavings, raw chocolate and dates.

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